Abdominal exercises sitting and using lunge sequences

Abdominal exercises performed upright and in our normal relationship to gravity have better carryover to daily activities like lifting children into car seats (one of my own personal training objectives!).  I show a couple of examples here from which you can extrapolate.  The possibilities are, of course, endless.

07 November 2017
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  • 28 November 2018

    Muscle Stiffness – Part II: Expectation Violation

    In part I of this post I talked about how a recent research paper suggested that persistent muscle stiffness – like persistent pain - could be due to a perceptual error:  the nervous system has become oversensitive – the threat of... Read more
  • 07 November 2017

    Abdominal exercises sitting and using lunge sequences

    Abdominal exercises performed upright and in our normal relationship to gravity have better carryover to daily activities like lifting children into car seats (one of my own personal training objectives!).  I show a couple of examples here from which you... Read more